October 8, 2008

The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team

I have recently finished reading The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team written by Patrick Lencioni.

A GREAT book. If you are a leader, this book will cause you to think through your team in a new way and could quite possibly take your team to a new level of performance.

Here are some key points I took from this book:

  • Everything we do should be about making the company succeed
  • No matter how good an individual team member is, everyone loses if the team loses
  • Fear of Conflict = Artificial harmony
  • Boring Meetings = Unnecessary Meetings
  • It is important for a leadership team to keep walls between their teams torn down. Teams naturally tend to move toward isolation and a "Those guys over there are terrible, but we have got our act together" mentality.

Well written. I read this book in five to ten minute sections, and I found that it was very effective for me to read it this way. It allowed me to process what I read and then come back to it later having thought it through.

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