March 26, 2007

Decorate Your Desktop

This website offers XP Icons, and it has a wide variety of icons that you can download and use on your computer. Typically, finding such icons is a hassle and waste of time because high-quality options are not concentrated on one site, and you usually have to go around the Internet looking for ones that meet your palate.

The brilliant artwork is what separates iconplant from its competition. Their extremely affordable pricing offered should make this site the first place to look if you are looking for icons to liven up your desktop.

One could claim that other sites offer these icons for free. However, these sites do not offer the excellent support services which iconplant does. This can come in handy if you are trying to install icons, and it is just not working out for you. By contacting tech support, you can get the help you need, and perhaps save yourself a lot of time and energy if you are not a computer expert. One wrong button pushed, and your system might have a problem. So, yes, there are free offers out there, but they do not have this support mechanism for their clients.

While there are options to buy the icons for a reasonable price, you can also download some for free.

Here are some examples of the brilliant artwork of some icons that you can download for free or purchase from the site:

Overall, the typical icons you get from Microsoft are bland and boring. Your desktop is just as important as the walls on your house, and you really wouldn’t want to be stuck with bland paintings or posters on the walls of your home. In the same way, you do not want your desktop to have boring icons that came with Windows XP. So, it is well worth it for you if you visit the site, and get some of their artwork. Be a trend setter, instead of following the trends set by Windows XP.

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