January 30, 2007

The Naval Countdown

Things are looking kind of bad in the Middle East. Although your finances are your top priority (as we are sure it is since it is the only way you can work your way out of debt), it is important, as always, to look into the way that finances of the world look from the perspective of perpetual politics.

Well, there is the first troubling fact that our nation continues to be given good advice at the level of government. However, this advice is being ignored.

We remind you here, that this is the way it always works. There are those that were told to get off of debt, and decided not to, and there are those that did get off of debt when they managed to follow good advice. However, the nation is in debt and at the same time, sensible advice is offered but not taken. This is not a way to solve any problem! The point of the matter is that debt will continue to grow and problems will arise from the national debt situation.

So, here is some advice that is being offered. This might be the good advice. But it also might not be the good advice. Now, since you are inside (as you should be if you are trying to get off of debt), take a look and figure out yourself which is the most sensible option.

It is between the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group
This report considers talking to Iran to be a good thing before going to war.

However the administration has decided to take another piece of advice that follows along the lines observed in this report :

Haven't we heard this tune before, the one about secret nuclear weapons programs? There is no evidence of any such program, just evidence of a nuclear energy program, one that Iran is entitled to just like any other nation. Why does the U.S target Iran when Israel has itself recently confirmed a stockpile of nuclear weapons? What justifies the double standard where deals are being made with India for nuclear cooperation and the use of a diplomatic approach with North Korea, while no such negotiations are offered to Iran?

Could it be that this is part of a master plan, one that envisions the destruction of all Middle Eastern regimes deemed as potential superpowers? Does Israel desire total hegemony over all its neighbors and will the U.S tragically continue to sacrifice its own stability and security in order to fulfill this demand?

The Navy gets closer...

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