Credit Card Philosophy
There is nothing inherently evil with credit cards, especially interest free credit cards. They offer a means to and end, that is, they allow one to purchase goods with ease and flexibility. Especially in this age of online purchases, credit cards can help someone buy a product online for much cheaper than he or she can find in a typical store (you just have to know where to look. So, why are people in so much credit card debt? Because the misuse their credit cards.
Credit card misuse is simply living beyond your means with the help of credit. Such action has negative consequences for both the economy of the nation and the economy of the household. In the worst cases not event interest free credit cards will be able to save a poor soul from the ills of credit card debt.
Credit cards are easy to get, the best being interest free credit cards. Mail advertising credit cards flow into the mailbox. The information in those ads then flow to the brain. Easy cash! WRONG!! What credit card companies need to make sure is that they educate their users in proper use of the credit card. Simply focusing on the message that credit cards are not cash might help people get the idea out of their head that on $5.25 an hour they can buy that brand new projection screen and projector (while having to pay bills, rent and other living expenses). There is room for such purchases when they are well planned, but the slippery slop of habitual purchases with credit cards is clear and present in our economy.
Like cigarette companies, credit card companies should include warnings on their mailing packages, agreements, etc. Caution: credit card misuse might lead to telephone calls from debt collectors in the wee hours of the night.
The best type of credit card is the one that you use, not misuse. Pay your full bill on time every month, and you are using, not misusing your card. You can start with these interest free credit cards.
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