August 10, 2007

Book Review

America's Financial Reckoning Day: How you can survive Americas monetary & political decline in the 21st Century

Methinks that this book should be read with a grain of salt since its author is no expert in the field of finance, but rather a religious scholar. The publisher says:

The history and founding of America is almost a fairy tale of providence and good fortune. As Senate Chaplain Dr. Peter Marshall has recounted in his classic book, The Light and the Glory, no other nation has been blessed with such an abundance of material wealth and spiritual heritage as the United States of America. In 1787, our Founding Fathers established a near-perfect system of representative government and sound monetary policy. Yet, as our nation enters the 21st Century there is a great foreboding that our financial infrastructure is facing unprecedented challenges in addition to serious geopolitical developments that threaten our very existence. How has this happened to the most powerful nation on earth, and what will be the likely outcome? To answer these questions it is necessary to examine the monetary history of the U.S. up to the present hour and also look back to ancient prophecies that are contained in the Bible. Here is a gripping account that will captivate and enlighten you. It is also a message of hope and inspiration that you will want to share with others. There is no need to "close our eyes" if we can confidently look into our future.

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