Department of Treasury Disaster Contingency
Fresh off the wire:
The Department of the Treasury today held a post-disaster exercise in conjunction with the local community in Tampa Bay. The post-disaster exercise received very little media coverage but has now been confirmed to have taken place, according to the newsroom at Tampa Bay NBC affiliate WFLA-TV.
The Department of the Treasury today held a post-disaster exercise in conjunction with the local community in Tampa Bay. The post-disaster exercise received very little media coverage but has now been confirmed to have taken place, according to the newsroom at Tampa Bay NBC affiliate WFLA-TV. WFLA-TV was issued a press release by the Department of the Treasury and the local county regarding the drill. For whatever reason, WFLA decided that this post-disaster exercise did not deserve much attention and was not covered on their TV news broadcast.
The lack of media coverage is surprising considering the fact that the U.S. Dollar is registering all-time lows against other currencies, there are fears of a U.S. Dollar collapse and institutions like the Bank for International Settlements are warning of a possible global depression. The Department of the Treasury holding a post-disaster exercise of any sort is in fact extremely significant, considering the current problems with the U.S. Dollar. The language of the press release states that the purpose of the exercise was to test the ability of financial institutions, federal and state regulators, state and local government officials and state and local first responders to quickly get to their feet after any disaster. This is opened ended and indicates that this could have been a drill to prepare for any number of disasters from terrorism to a natural disaster or an economic collapse but the main focus clearly revolves around the financial community. The question is why the focus around the financial community? Are they preparing for something that we don’t know about?
Mike Swenson, host of the talk radio program "Revolution Radio and webmaster of the anti-NWO web site Truth or Lies, called the WFLA-TV newsroom during the first hour of his program Thursday night regarding this exercise after being tipped off about the drill by a caller.
The caller to Swenson's radio program described hearing a broadcast news report on Fox NewsRadio 970-WFLA in Tampa, in which they described a "terror drill" being conducted in downtown Tampa. Further investigation into the matter by the caller revealed little information from other mainstream outlets across the Tampa area.
Further, the caller went on to state that a friend of his, who works in the Verizon building in downtown Tampa, told him that the high-rise building had been shut down for "terror drills". Again, the media failed to report this.
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