We have recently discovered the best way for you to begin getting out of debt. Depending on your situation, your home might be the most expensive piece of property that you own, but it might also be the key to getting out of debt if it is big. The bigger the home, the bigger the costs. And the closer to global warming the world gets too! Its not funny, but seriously now, if you are living near the coast, and would like to be assured that your kinsmen down the line get their fair share of usable property and not just some slabs of land down under the deep blue sea, then go ahead and SELL YOUR HOME!!!
Sell it we suggest, but don't live on the streets. Sell it if you think you can tighten your belt for a few months or years, saving in earnest so that you can buy a home that fulfill the ultimate requirement for life: LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS.
Until then, admit the fact that you let life get the better of you, sell your home and live in one that you can afford.
I hope that no reader has to go off and sell his and her home, but it is the true thing to do if you look at yourself and determine that this is the best financial way forward possible.
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