- The real value of all goods and services produced is lower than official GDP numbers when adjusted for higher inflation. More of it means higher prices, not increased output. It's how Williams makes his calculation, and he's worried. He sees inflation rising and a threat of hyperinflation ahead. He highlighted his concern in a recent April 2008 report called "Hyperinflation Special Report" with three dramatic sub-headings:
- -- "Inflationary Recession Is in Place;
- -- Banking Solvency Crisis Has Opened First Phase Monetary Inflation;" and
- -- "Hyperinflationary Depression Remains Likely As Early as 2010."
- More definitions:
- -- Deflation - a decrease in goods and services prices, generally from a money supply contraction;
- -- Inflation - the reverse of the above;
- -- Hyperinflation - extreme inflation, as explained above, to a level where money becomes worthless or nearly so; according to Williams, the coming hyperinflation is because of a "lack of monetary discipline formerly imposed....by the gold standard, and a (Fed) dedicated to preventing a collapse in the money supply (and preventing) the implosion of the (ongoing) extremely over-leveraged domestic financial system;"
- -- Recession - officially defined as two or more consecutive (inflation-adjusted) GDP contracting quarters; many economists don't agree on this, and some gauge conditions by the relative strength or weakness of industrial production, payroll employment, retail sales, and so forth; add it up and clearly the US is in recession; how bad and for how long will only be known in time;
- -- Depression - a recession "where (inflation-adjusted) peak-to-trough contraction exceeds 10%; and a
- -- Great depression - one where the peak-to-trough exceeds 25%. It happened only once so far in US history in the 1930s.
- Among this group of courageous and capable people is investigative reporter Wayne Barrett at the Village Voice. Here is his latest contribution:
- How Andrew Cuomo Gave Birth to the Housing Crisis at Freddie and Fannie Mae
- Where is all the missing money and how do we get it back?
- How big is the missing collateral black hole and how will it be resolved?
- These two mysteries are essentially part of one mystery at the heart of the matter: Who is in charge of-and what are-the real financial flows and assets of the central banking/warfare complex that increasingly governs the resources on our planet?
- It is not easy to engineer the bankrupting of the American middle class and the U.S. government.
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